Abkhazi Garden....Stunning! Day 1 of 3

May Kald promised us photos of Abkhazi Garden in British Columbia last week, and BOY did she deliver! She sent tons--like more than 70--and I tried to edit them down, but jeez, they're all gorgeous! So I'm just going to inundate you with them over a few days and extend a HUGE thanks to May. The moss alone is enough to make me swoon....and the azaleas....and that arbor/pergola....OK I'll stop now.

We'll spend the next couple of days in this garden, but I have a special surprise for you next week--a visit to a wonderful Dutch garden courtesy of one of my new Facebook friends! In the meantime, send in your own photos! Humble or grand, we want to see what you're up to, because every single honest gardening endeavor is beautiful. Michelle@GardenyGoodness.com. Thanks! --Michelle